Veterans Funeral & Burial Planning

Veterans have made immense sacrifices for our country, and we take great pride in providing compassionate and dignified military funerals for those who have served in the armed forces. We are honored to handle military funerals, including assistance in securing veterans death benefits, coordinating with honor guards and arranging for the playing of “Taps.” We also work closely with veterans cemeteries. Our team of experienced funeral directors is dedicated to ensuring that every veteran is honored in a manner befitting their service and giving their families the support they need.


Obtenga nuestra Guía de planificación personal gratuita.

Hacer planes finales es uno de los obsequios más considerados que le puede regalar a su familia. Comience con nuestra Guía de planificación personal gratuita para documentar su legado, registrar planes conmemorativos y más.

Cemetery & funeral information

Dignity Memorial® providers are experts in honoring veterans. Here's everything you need to know about funeral and burial arrangements for your loved one.



Plan a memorial fit for a hero

Serving in the military is a badge of honor that deserves recognition. Our free guide, 10 Important Facts About Your VA Burial Benefits, will walk you through everything you need to know to plan a dignified funeral for a member of the armed forces. From the folding of the flag to the playing of “Taps” and other government benefits, we’ll help you plan a memorial fitting of your loved one’s service to our country.

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